Sunday, July 2, 2023

We proudly announce the amazing creative super team of our Web 3.0 project are ready in position to engineer this mega multiworld metaverse: 

The Superbund: A real Mixed Reality experience.

The First meta-initiated and contributed by kids, the content creators and builders, Web 3.0 project.

Please welcome our:

1. Creative & Content Board members:

Mr. Mike Ng - Content Infrastructure Director:

He specialize in multimedia design, graphic design, 3D modeling, furniture design, architectural rendering, and 3D printing with AR/VR/MR technologies. He achieved many prestigious international design awards, including IDA Design Awards, European Design Awards, and STD Furniture Design Awards.

In 2021, he launched his Alien World NFT, and made a promising return. 

Lady JJ - Art and Creative Director:

She is the Headmaster of Kids Power Academy, the advisor and the Administrator of SPYS Star during universial emergency.  She is the only one who has the ultimate superpower who can travel back in time to fix the cause and see the effect to the future.

Cherry BEE- Executive Director:

She is the Ultimate Scientist in the universe.  She execute order and design paths in the universe.  She is the chairperson of SPYS Star, the top ranking science and technology facility for universal citizen to do research on development.

2. Coach Community Board

Ms. Yumi Leung - Metaverse Leader Creator:







Ms Shadow Chan - Metaverse Storyboard & Content Analyst :

擁有8年超過500場大型活動經驗,4年任教司儀及演講教學。曾獲香港零售管理協會頒發 "傑出服務獎",公開戲劇比賽 "最佳女主角" 獎項,能夠將戲劇元素配合司儀技巧教導學生,加強表達及發揮個人魅力,並於中小學和社區中心,任教司儀及演講技巧培訓。


第六屆金魂財商班 個人演講比賽冠軍


Mr. Kelvin Lee - Physicist & Metaverse Content Product Adviser:


Currently a physicist at the Department of Health, Hong Kong


Bachelor of Arts in Physical Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


Master of Science in Medical Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

3. Kids Committee of Kids Powerverse - to be announced about member detail very soon.

Stay tuned for more!

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