Welcome the “Kids Committee” to join the Creative and Content Board. They will take up a heavy duty to develop a mixed reality metaverse, the Kids Powerverse on the Superbund, bringing their stories and imagination to life, together with the coach community.
They attended a 4 weeks intensive training about the concept of Web3.0, blockchain, AI, NFT and the ecosystem.
We were excited to see what would those amazingly creative kids going to create and show us the incredible metaverse, please welcome again:
Alia Kong-The Designer & Content Lead
Vicky Ding-The Illustration Master
Ryder Chow-the Spokesperson
Teddy Yueng-The Event Ambassador
Alina Chao-Management Trainee
Chorus Cheuk-The Event Ambassador
Catherine Chao-The Web3.0 Ambassador
Stay tuned to hear their sharing about their Web3.0 and their metaverse!!!
熱烈慶祝 “青年創意委員” 一班成員, 加入我們Superbund web3.0/Kids Powerverse 的創意和內容委員會。
來緊,他們將肩負起共同開發虛擬和現實世界融合的MIX Reality 元宇宙的重任(開發Superbund web 3.0裡面的其中一個元宇宙叫 Kids Powerverse),並和導師社群一起合作將他們兩本科幻書中的故事和角色,帶到虛擬和現實世界中展現。
他們將會參加為期 4 週的高難度培訓, 當中訓練內容包括Web3.0、區塊鏈、人工智能AI、NFT 和生態系統概念Ecosystem。
我們很期待這群創造力驚人的青少年能為我們展現出一個如何與眾不同的虛擬世界(元宇宙)。 請我們再次熱烈歡迎這群青年創意委員會成員:
Alia Kong-設計師兼內容創作主席
Vicky Ding-插畫大師
Ryder Chow -項目發言人
Teddy Yueng-活動大使
Alina Chao- 項目管理實習生
Chorus Cheuk-活動大使
Catherine Chao-Web3.0大使
請各位繼續關注他們對 Web3.0 和元宇宙的後續分享!
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