In addition to the Web 3.0 project that was announced by our Ms Alia Kong, Designer and Content Creator of Kidspowerverse, the metaverse. We are excitingly preparing the 「Ghost Pod」 Design Competition, which will happen in the Kidspowerverse and the real world. Our Spokesperson of Kids Power Society, Mr Ryder Chow will lead a group of Ambassadors to promote this extraordinary competition, “building” an invisible spacecraft using a unique project learning system in Canada called, Applied Design Skill Technology (ADST) .
🔥🔥🔥We are now recruiting Ambassador Trainees, for internal applications only.
There will be a training fee applied and an assessment at the end of the training.
👉Successful Candidates may have the opportunity to do group speeches at different organizations.
Training topics:
1. 3D and VR
2. Physics - concept of spacecraft and invisible function
3. Speech related to the two textbooks and the competition- content builder
Training Schedules:
July 9, 15, 16, 22 and 23
(10:00am to 14:00pm)
Location: TBC
Required material: two textbooks “Supernova Pandemic” and “Calling for positive energy superheroes”
For more details of this recruitment, pls join our WhatsApp group:
Kidspowerverse 元宇宙設計師和內容創作家, Alia Kong,除了早前向大家宣佈了我們web3.0 metaverse大計外,我們還有大事宣佈!就是我們一直籌備多個月的Ghost Pod 隱形太空船設計大賽,亦將會在虛擬世界Kidspowerverse 和 現實生活中舉辦。 而我們星星超人會的發言人, Ryder Chow, 將會帶領一群活力大使,向大眾宣傳和介紹這次隱形太空船設計大賽, 是如何通過利用加拿大BC省教育局的ADST教學系統和應用在“建造”隱形太空船上面。
🔥🔥🔥我們正招募這次隱形太空船設計大賽的活力大使實習生!僅限內部群內招募!如你感興趣,請私信我們索取報名表格。 活力大使實習生將要參加一系列培訓課程,由專業導師們授課。 課程結束後,實習生需通過成果評估測試才能正式成為活力大使。
1. 3D 繪圖設計 和 VR 創建
2. 物理: 航天飛船所涉及的物理概念和隱形功能
3. 演講:演講培訓- 針對這次大賽的要求和兩本教科書內容,如何做到內容創建者
課程日期:7月9, 15, 16, 22 和 23 號 (每日10:00am – 14:00pm)
課程必須材料:兩本教科書“Supernova Pandemic” 和 “正能量超人故事”
想知道更多詳情,請按以下link 加入我們群組:
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