This was the first time for Y Star’s Captain, Vicky’s mom, to organize a retreat camp. Kids Power Society was glad to join the event and made many new friends.
Alia, Vicky, Alina and Catherine were preparing for a speech to present a brand new concept of a competition at the camp that night - Kids Powerverse ‘Ghost Pod’ Design competition. It is an ADST program originated and designed by Canada, BC education ministry. Our 4 girls, ages from 12 to 14, were listening to the briefing carefully and tries to shape the future with creativity, supporting by knowledge and exercising their idea in real world economy.
Part of the Kids Powerverse competition will take place in a metaverse where virtual trading will be carried out and showcased the contestants’ work in a virtual gallery. The concept of metaverse, blockchain and NFT is rather new and those 4 girls are still studying and doing research on those topics.
Alia, the Designer and Planner of the Kids Powerverse, explained that the competition will be according to the description of spacecrafts and devices in the two textbooks, Supernova Pandemic and Calling Positive Energy Superheroes.
Contestants and Coaches must buy the two textbooks to work along to win the competition.
Alia also introduced the 7 main topics for assessment. Kids Power Society formed a ‘Coach’ community for the contestants to access professional training. As the organizer, we set up separate forums of the 7 topics and will grant access for the contestant to get online support.
For registration detail, please follow our social media. It will be announced shortly.
*** The beautiful camp is called Albertland, situated at 惠洲。 Kids had tremendous fun, playing zipline, rafting, and grilling fresh fish! All of them were precious experience, especially with great companies.
Y 星球的主要家長領隊, Vicky 媽咪, 第一次為我們星星超人會組織了一次愉快的露營活動!
Kids Power Society 很高興亦很榮幸在這次露營體驗中結交了許多新朋友。Alia, Vicky, Alina和Catherine 在營地當晚要準備演講,目的是向大家展示我們星星超人會將要舉辦的一個大型的全新概念的比賽 ----- 叫 Kids Powerverse 'Ghost Pod' 設計大賽。這是屬於加拿大BC 省教育部發起和設計的其中一個項目,屬於ADST 系統。我們四位12歲至14歲的女生,認真聽解了ADST教學系統的介紹,並嘗試利用創作力來改變未來,利用所學知識作為基礎,結合創作力,在現實世界的經濟體系中實踐自己的理想。
而這次Kids Powerverse 舉辦的隱形太空船設計比賽的其中一個環節是會安排在虛擬世界中實踐進行,參賽者設計的作品將會在虛擬世界裡面的畫展中展現。虛擬世界,metaverse, 區塊鏈和NFT 等的概念對大家來說是十分新穎的概念,因此這幾位女生還在研究和學習理解這些內容。
Kids Powerverse的開發和設計師Alia說道, 這個大賽是以兩本科幻書 "Supernova Pandemic" 和 "正能量超人故事”裡面的太空船內容和科技內部裝置等知識點來做教科書內容,比賽設計的基礎。因此, 所有參賽者和導師都必須購買這兩本書並閱讀參考,才能贏得比賽。Alia 還向大家介紹了大賽將圍繞7個主要評審的主題。同時,Kids Power Society 將會成立一個“導師”社群,為參賽者提供專業培訓。作為主辦方的我們,將為這7個主題各自設立了單獨的討論群,以便給參賽者提供線上科學知識支援。
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