Congratulations to all the graduates. 深水埗苗圃They had successfully accomplished our SPYS Star trainee program. They are now ready to join our big event coming soon.
We were thrilled to see each of them were serious about reading the information of technology and science in our two Sci-Fi novels. And they created their own characters and stories at the end. As we always reminded them to use our creativities with knowledge. There are more science and technology information in our two story books: ‘Supernova Pandemic’ and ‘Calling Positive Energy Superheroes’, waiting for them to explore.
New inventors and creators are yet to come!
We honor their success by giving our SPYS star trainee uniform. Bright smiling faces on the picture was the best reward!
Salute to all the young, creative and intelligent future leaders. See you at Kids Powerverse ‘Ghost Pod’ design competition! Stay tuned!
P.S. Special thanks to Alia, our initiator of Kids Power Society and Planner of Kids Powerverse as the teacher for the 4 workshop.
Thanks to Ryder, our Spokerperson of Kids Power Society as the speaker on spacecraft design.
Thanks to Vicky to teach digital drawings
And thank you to Alina and Catherine as the captain to help the students on their presentation.
Million thanks to Cherry Bee hosting zoom and organizing the 4 workshops。
祝賀所有的剛剛畢業的苗圃新生,都順利PASS了SPYS Star實習生培訓計劃。 他們已準備好參加我們來緊舉行的‘隱形太空船’ 設計大賽。他們將過去4堂workshop通過認真閱讀和學習我們兩個科幻小說,而吸收了許多科學知識,所以在最後一堂workshop中都很自信地演講了自創的超人太空船故事。這跟我們經常提醒他們要將想象力和知識結合起來,好好運用,是同一個道理。 我們兩本書 "Suprnova Pandemic" 和 "正能量超人故事" 裡面有很多科技信息和科學元素,等待大家閱讀和繼續發現!
當日大家演講完成後,都成功得到我們贈送的SPYS Star 實習生培訓服,來給與紀念和認可他們演講成功。 集體的大大笑容就是最好的獎勵!讓我們向所有年輕、富有創造力和智慧的未來小領袖們致敬!而來緊 Kids Powerverse "隱形太空船‘’設計大賽期待大家踴躍報名參加!敬請期待!繼續關注我們facebook!
PS: 另外亦特別感謝 Alia,我們的 Kids Power Society 的始創人和 Kids Powerverse 的策劃人, 連續四次在workshops擔任導師一職。
十分感謝 Ryder,我們的 Kids Power Society 發言人,在workshops期間對太空船設計分享和發表不同的設計想法和建議。
也感謝Vicky 教導大家應用App 來畫出數碼繪圖。
同時還要感謝Alina 和 Catherine 這個星期六當日一起協助苗圃學生進行演講指導。
感謝Dr. Cherry Bee組織了4個workshops 和協助網上zoom 會議。
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