On the 11th of March, Saturday, at 1pm - 3pm, three superheroes from the new book, Calling For Positive Energy Superheroes, are coming from the universe to Hong Kong’s Sower’s Action!
Can you guess who they are? They are the three main authors of the new book! We have the Co-author Ryder Chow from Canada, Lead author and Main illustrator Alia Kong from Hong Kong and Co author and Main illustrator Vicky Ding from China. Their mission? Is to bring their imagination from the new book, Calling for Positive Energy Superheroes, to life! They’re going to have an ADST competition with the community kids to build the Ghost Pod!
Guest Speakers are:
Felix Tse, Science World 學術總監
Henry Chu, Hot Education x Kids Power Society 創造領袖課程負責人
They will share their knowledge about space, space crafts and metaverses with us. This help us to reach our goals to design the actual Ghost Pod as an attempt to bring our imaginations to life.
If you haven’t ordered our book, please do! The early bird special is up until the 19th of February!! https://forms.gle/MQwBaZHWX5KdJwVw7
Kids Power Society 四週年呈獻
🥳🥳三月11日(六)下午1pm至3pm, 三位正能量超人主要作家,將從宇宙降臨地球的香港苗圃深水埗社區中心,發出新書“正能量超人故事”, 並舉行Ghost Pod幽靈太空船大派對!
他們分別是來自加拿大的章節作家Ryder Chow, 當日正日生日的主要作家和插畫師Alia Kong 和來自中國的插畫大師Vicky Ding. 他們除了分享創作故事心得外,還會和大家一齊思考創作幽靈太空船!
Felix Tse,Science World 學術總監
Henry Chu, Hot Education 提供Kids Power Society 創造領袖課程負責人
我們屆時也會分享生日茶點和派發精美小禮物,大家不要錯過哦!如果大家有興趣參加,請follow and Like 關注和點讚我們Facebook,即可免費參加這個大派對🥳🥳🥳
PS: 請不要忘記明天2月19日是新書“正能量超人故事” 提早預定可享受早鳥優惠價的截止日期,同時精美星球鎖匙扣限量發送!不要錯過!🔥🔥🔥 預訂表格:https://forms.gle/MQwBaZHWX5KdJwVw7
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