Saturday, April 9, 2022

Meet [Official] 苗圃行動 Sowers Action

Throw back to the 4th day of Chinese New Year, 4 Feb 2022, 16 of us came together online from Canada China and Hong Kong to have Chinese New Year greetings with苗圃行動, Sowers Action, a HK registered social service in Hong Kong. The kids wanted to know more about social work in Hong Kong, so they interviewed with Ms Brianna Hui, the CEO and Ms Kanis Leung, the Project Officer. The kids learned that Sowers Action was established in 1992, offering support to the poor, disabilities, seniors, orphans and people who are in medical needs. In addition, Sowers action offers finanical aids to students who cannot afford tuition fee. Their support is not only for Hong Kong locals, they also extend their helps to China, Nepal, and other developing countries in Asia.
A group of SYPS students were so excited about the two Chinese and English Sci-fi story books were successfully launched in March, that they had participated in writing stories last summer. And while the covid cases has dropped significantly, they decided to visit苗圃行動Sowers Action Office to delivered the two new books. They autographed the books representing their characters in the story and presented them to Brianna and Kanis.
The students want to spread their hopes and loves to the community and agree to run a charity program to sell the two Sci-Fi books, 《Supernova Pandemic and 「星星超人學府之SPYS星球交流團」Their mission is to raise funds and donate them to Sowers Action to help the families in subdivided flats in this pandemic.
Please support them by purchasing their creation, you can buy them via
Your act of kindness can change someone’s life!
苗圃一直致力於兒童發展項目,因為我們深信每個小朋友都可以發光發亮、潛能無窮無盡,就如Alia Sring Kong,年僅十歲就發起非牟利機構 Kids Power Society 星星超人會,更與同學創作《星星超人學府之SPYS星球科學交流團》及英文書《Supervona Pandemic》,希望以故事為疫情所困的市民帶來一點趣味。同時,她更義賣這兩本科幻小說,為苗圃的抗疫及食物包援助計劃籌集資金,照亮基層市民的生活。齊心支持小朋友發揮天賦及苗圃的抗疫活動,立即認購小說:

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