Saturday, December 11, 2021

The authors and co-authors of both the Chinese and English books

It was amazing to learn from Cherry about the book writing program and the two books will be launching in early next year. Our very first Chinese book will be published in January and the English one will be launched in March next year, 2022.
Coming up next, we will meet with the authors and co-authors of both the Chinese and English books, and they are:
Alia Kong 10, the Lead Author, Editor and Main Illustrator of the English book, Supernova Pandemic.
Ryder Chow 8, the Contributing Author and the Artist of the English book, Supernova Pandemic.
袁知行11 & 陳芊妤 13, the main Authors and the Proofreaders of the Chinese book 星星超人學府之SPYS星球科學交流團.
We will first meet with Alia Kong next week, our Spokeslady and the Lead Author of the English book. She will share with us about where she got the inspiration to create the main plot of Supernova Pandemic.
Her character in the book is still the Lightning Girl. She has grown a lot in the story and now she is called by abbreviation, LG.
Stay turned to learn more about this amazing and fascinating new story book from Alia with us!
Stay in full superpower! Tada!

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