Wow! Wow! Wow! Last week we had our third workshop on designing the ‘Ghost Pod’ and making our own characters.
Our Initiator of Kids Power Society, Miss Alia Kong had done a revision of the 19 vocabularies with the kids of Sowers Action Shum Shui Po Community Center and prepared them to do individual presentations for the last workshop next week. Each kid will get a SPYS Star trainee T-shirt after doing their presentation.
Last week we also had Ryder, the new Spokesperson of Kids Power Society, to present his design of the spacecraft,
Then, we had Vicky with us to teach digital drawing of a character.
Let’s review the 19 old vocab + 1 new vocab: Supernova / Pandemic / Artificial Intelligence / Hazmat suit / Beamfire / Invisible / Sonic Power / Virus / Universal Emergency / Energy / Positivie Energy / Character / Creative / Courage / Family / Friends / Passion / Care / Laughter/ Spacecraft
Preparation for individual presentations includes:
1. Superhero / Character introduction
2. Spacecraft description
3. Storytelling includes 6 vocabs from the list above
Parents are welcomed to join our last workshop and listen to the kids’ presentations.
See you all again on 22 April Sat 12-13:00 深水埗苗圃 [Official] 苗圃行動 Sowers Action
上周六是我們第三堂關於"幽靈太空船" 和超人角色設計的workshop.
我們Kids Power Society發起人Alia Kong 跟苗圃深水埗中心的小朋友們複習了過去兩堂所學的19個英文單詞, 並跟大家一起準備下週最後一堂的演講活動。 每位小朋友在完成演講後都會得到SPYS Star成員的T恤一件作為獎勵。
當日,我們還邀請到Kids Power Society 新進發言人Ryder Chow, 向大家展示他所設計的隱形太空船。
另外,Vicky 還跟大家一起繪圖,使用電子繪圖超人角色。
讓我們先回顧一下19個舊單詞和1個新學單詞:Supernova / Pandemic / Artificial Intelligence / Hazmat suit / Beamfire / Invisible / Sonic Power / Virus / Universal Emergency / Energy / Positivie Energy / Character / Creative / Courage / Family / Friends / Passion / Care / Laughter/ Spacecraft
各位小朋友請按以下要求, 提前在家為來緊的星期六演講做好準備:
1. 個人/超人角色介紹Superhero / Character introduction
2. 太空船描繪介紹Spacecraft description
3. 從已學的20個單詞中選取6個單詞來創作簡單故事
希望星期六當日家長們都可以參加並聆聽小朋友們的演講, 給予支持和鼓勵!期待在4月22日(星期六)12:00-13:00 苗圃深水埗中心見!
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