Roger roger SPYS Star Control, the new design of Ghost Pod. Yesterday, we had over 25 young Positive Energy Superheroes gathered at [Official] 苗圃行動 Sowers Action designing and brainstorming the “Invisible Concept” application on the Ghost Pod. It was a huge success. They divided into 3 teams, one initiated a “cell split” concept in quantum size, another team suggested using light energy and the third team talked about camouflage.
And our guest, Yumi, a young leader of many recognizable communities, shared with our newbies about her experience of being a leader.
Also, our new Spokesperson, Ryder Chow, came all the way from Canada to share with the newbies about an ATM machine which he built it from Lego. It was a sophisticated structure.
And we had our Illustration Master, Vicky Ding, traveled from China to share with the newbies about doing a concept drawing of the Ghost pod.
At the end, we celebrate the birthday of Alia Kong , our Initiator of Kids Power Society and the Designer of Kids Powerverse with delicious cream cones and cookies. Alia shared with us her plan of building a metaverse like a 3D game, hoping to let every kids to experience the story books of ‘Supernova Pandemic’ and ‘Calling Positive Energy Superheroes’ on a digital game , like a simulator.
***Special thanks to Soft Thunder for making all those delicious pastries!
Stay tuned for up coming news about Leader Creator and ADST programs, offered by education organization.
3月11日星期六,我們集合了 25 個正能量小超人,在深水埗苗圃社區中心一齊為幽靈太空船 GHOST POD的 “隱形”功能進行集體設計和創作。 我們將他們分成三個小組, 第一小組他們利用“細胞分裂”概念和量子知識來到達隱身效果;而第二小組利用光學能源來滿足隱形效果;第三小組則利用顏色偽裝來達到隱身一事。
他們的天馬行空和無盡創意想象力給我們在座各位成年人一個震撼教育, 激發我們陷入思考。待小組討論結束後, 分組討論後,請來了科學世界的Felix Sir,針對每個小組的設計的隱形太空出作出了切實可行的反饋,讓創意與現實接軌。
我們另一位嘉賓 Yumi ,是多間知名商會的青年領袖,她為小朋友們分享了她如何成為領袖的經歷。
另外,我們星星超人會最新發言人Ryder Chow, 特意遠道從加拿大來並跟給位小朋友們分享他用樂高積木自創搭建的ATM 取錢機, 這是一個複雜的結構,並不容易。
而我們星星超人會的插畫大師 Vicky Ding,從中國深圳特意過來跟小朋友們分享了 Ghost pod 太空船 的概念圖。
最後,當日是 Kids Power Society 發起人和 Kids Powerverse 的開發人 Alia Kong 的生日,我們準備了精美糕點跟大家一起慶祝。同時, Alia亦分享了她的3D 元宇宙計劃,希望創建一個遊戲能讓大家在遊戲中體驗 "Supernova Pandemic" 和 “正能量超人故事” 書中的精彩內容。
請大家繼續關注我們有關 leader creator 和 ADST項目的新消息。
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