Saturday, January 28, 2023

Good News Everyone! It is an honour to announce that our new multilingual book of our Kids Power Academy Series is coming out in March! The book is called Calling for Positive Energy Superheroes. In Chinese it is 《正能量超人故事》。
This is book was written by more than 50 kids from ages 5 - 14, who came from many different places with numerous cultures. They all write about their perspective of positive energy, converted them into superhero and illustrated them.
We also thank the 13 kids from Sower’s Actions who wrote this book, Calling for Positive Energy Superheroes, with us to share their visions of positivity.
Kids Power Society hopes that all kids from across the world will keep dreaming and never give up, so one day they can change the world for the better.
The three main authors/ illustrators of the Kids Power Academy vol.3 Calling for Positive Energy Superheroes are:
Alia Kong, 11 years old, the Lead Author and Main Illustrator.
Ryder Chow, 9 years old, the co-author.
Vicky Chow, 13 years old, co-author and main illustrator.
The story is about more than 50 contestants competing in the huge event of Positive Energy Superhero Contest. It takes place at the Kids Powerverse, a.k.a a metaverse or Virtual Reality World. LG, Pine King and Wina meet with the contestants and get to know their origins and their stories of positive energy. There are countless funny and silly adventures, as well as numerous touching stories from the authors themselves.
This book is filled with encouragements and positive powered stories that you’ll find very touching yet hilarious. Please order now!!
人日節日有好消息宣佈啊!新書Kids Power Academy series Vol 3 - Calling Positive Energy Superheroes, 中文書名「正能量超人故事」,將會在三月面世!
這本集合了50多位來自不同地方,背景和年齡由5至14歲的小朋友, 在去年疫情嚴峻的情況下,留守在家中創作了心目中的「正能量超人」!他們還繪畫超人俏像,務求將自己創作所表達的意思傳達給讀者!
Kids Power Society 鼓勵所有小朋友無論居住任何地方,都要繼續發揮創作力,並利用創作力來改變世界!
新書的三位主筆為Kids Power Academy vol 3 Calling Positive Energy Superheroes 編寫主線:
Alia Kong 11歲, 領銜作家和插畫師
Ryder Chow 9歲, 章節作家
Vicky Ding 13歲, 章節作家和插畫師
整個故事環繞着一班50多位受邀的超人來臨SPYS星球新建的元宇宙Kids Powerverse, 並在裡面的體育場參加正能量超人大賽, 獲獎冠軍將會獲得最新型號的頭等獎 - Ghost Pod 幽靈太空艙。 小作家們前衛的元宇宙和科學元素等等天馬行空的想法都會在書中一一展現! ☀️而來緊, 星星小 超人們將會招募更多小朋友一起參與書中頭獎- 幽靈太空艙的設計,並集合大家一起來創建Kids Powerverse元宇宙這個無限的虛擬世界!
如此有意義和有趣噶故事書正等待你的訂購!🤩🤩🤩提早訂購除可享受優惠外, 還能獲得精美SPYS星球鑰匙扣乙個,先購先得,送完即止!
預售價日期直到:2023年2月19日 截止
Please order now for early bird discount

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