在2022年12月11日Kids Power Society 「星星超人會」小作家們在 YOLO by Fairish 小書舍 正式完成捐款$5000 和捐贈中英文科幻小說150本儀式。
中文書: 星星超人學府之SPYS 星球科學交流團
英文書: Supernova Pandemic
受惠機構[Official] 苗圃行動 Sowers Action支援劏房戶小朋友發揮創作力
Kids Power Society 「星星超人會」鼓勵小朋友運用創作力來改變世界令社會變得更美好。來自中國、香港和加拿大的小作家們慈善義賣在2022年3月出版兩本自創的中英文科幻小說來支援劏房戶兒童生活所需。小作家們同事招募大眾小朋友和苗圃行動社區中心的小朋友一起投稿創作。新書正能量超人故事,鼓勵小朋友在疫情後更需要發揮創造力繼續追夢!
On 11 December 2022, Sunday, Kids Power Society did an Authors’ Sharing and a Donation Ceremony at Yolo by Fairish at TST Hong Kong.
The Author’s Talk was led by Alia Kong, Lead Author of “Supernova Pandemic”. We had Ryder and Vicky meeting us on zoom, both were the Contributing Authors of the English story book. They also talked about their new project of building a metaverse in 2023.
At the end, a group of kids shared their superhero characters with us. Kids Power Society donated HK$5000 and 150 copies of their two story books to Sowers Action to encourage all kids to keep dreaming.
Creativity is the key to change the world!
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