Thursday, July 28, 2022

20 July HK book fair author’s talk, 《Supernova Pandemic》Lead author, Alia Kong

Author’s sharing on 20 July at HK book fair.

Book: Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic Lead Author and Illustrator: Alia Kong , 11 Contributor: Cyrus Chan, 10 Guest: Marcus Chan, 8 It is about a group of superheroes and scientists called by SPYS Committee to defeat a supervirus, Brlingrr Brlingrr. Four planets declared state of emergency. LG was sent by Lady JJ to look for a superdetective. They worked together to collect the virus sample, eventually this superdetective is the key to the vaccine and save the galaxy. Lady JJ and Dr Cherry Bee found out the cause of the virus and ordered all leaders to contribute in building the waste converter station, turning the space pollution into power for supplying every planet and star. It is a super amazing and full of surprise science fiction. Each incident in each chapter is so hilarious and excited! It is the imagination and fantasy of 23 kids!

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