Sunday, August 22, 2021

Working Hard!

We are in the last week of the 2 books making project. Look at how much work the kids had accomplished!

It is not a joke to publish a good story book. It needs a troop to work behind the scene in order to produce an incredible product. Some kids have fun in the process; some feel tremendous pressure; some enjoy it as a learning course. The most important thing is we all grow together. We become stronger when facing challenges. We look at the same thing in different perspectives. We make new friends. This is an eye-opening experience.
We will meet with our Guest Editors - Mr Timothy Forner MontgomerySchnauzer and Mr Elton Huo again on this Friday YVR time zone / Saturday China & HK time zone. They will review the current work for the kids and give them positive energy to push forward to the finale.
Looking forward to reading “Supernova Pandemic” and “星星超人學府之SPYS 星球交流團”

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