Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Support Kids to Continue expressing themselves freely with new ideas and creations

Kids Power Society is a non profit organization. Its purpose is to offer a multifunctional platform for kids to alter their very original and authentic creativities and give them opportunities to turn their imagination into a true creation. This platform was initiated by a group of kids, and every products were driven by them. The whole organization is run by donation and small portion of class lessons. We have teachers, video production specialist and graphic designer to maintain the operation of the organization. And a basic cost for all required services are still necessary for our staff and administrations.
In the pandemic, Kids Power Society cannot offer in class program. Every event and activity will go online. We need operation fund to continue the organization and offer new platform activity as public community service.
We need your help to keep funding the kids’ dreams come true! Your generosity will fund the Kids' creations, encourage their creativities and authentic innovations! Kids with extraordinary imaginations in any subjects can apply to Kids Power Society. We will review their proposal and decide the grant to each individuals.
In this chaotic world, the system had already distorted the next generation. Kids are bounded to the system to develop their knowledge and creation. They have a preset schedule and time frame to make every progress. This is not a future, it is the system forcing kids to follow.
Kids Power Society let the kids to express themselves freely and encourage authentic new ideas and creations!
We need your help! The future needs your support! Please support us by below link:

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