Thursday, May 14, 2020

Members opinions about 5/8 conference topic: What is Covid-19?

Our new member, Yuki from Japan, 8 years old boy, shared with us about his understanding of Covid19.

“I did some research on Covid19. It is a virus and we will get sick. To me Covid19 is good and bad. The good thing is we got to stay at home and do things I like. Bad things are I cannot play baseball and the Olympic is cancelled. And I cannot visit my grandpa. But I play soccer with my Dad and he gave me lots of homework.”

Our member from Toronto, Meikai, 7 year old, shared with us about her opinions on Covid 19,

“It is a disease which can make people very sick. Because of the bats have the virus and the virus goes to pangolins then people eat them then we got sick. 1 person got it then will give to 3 people, then will give to 9 people then to 27 and keep on multiplying... so we should stay home because we need to stop the virus spreading to more people.”

This is Tiffany, 7 years old. She is also our Kids Power Reporter. She shared with us about Covid19 and what precautions we shall take,

“Covid19 is a disease where people will get sick like having a fever, coughing, difficulty breathing and may cause to pneumonia. More old people are easily infected like out grandparents. So we need to be very careful, watch our hands and stay home, use zoom or wechat to stay connected.”

Alia, 9 years old, our Spokelady shared with us about being a warrior instead of a worrier in this pandemic.

“We have many questions about this Covid19 because it makes people very sick and some even died. We kept on asking when will this be over or when we will have the vaccine. These worries make us scare, but we should be calm and positive because we can get through this. We just need to be more careful, do all the precautions and keep away from getting sick. And put a mask on to buy grocery to protect us and others. We stay home to stay safe and healthy and not to worry. This breaks the chain of spreading the virus. We will be out of this very soon!”

Our Ambassador, Ryder, 6 years old shared with us about a scientist’s view of Covid19,

“The Covid19 is a coronavirus with protein wrapped the genetic materials which will then infected our good cells. The strength of it is it can copy itself and produce more of itself. The weakness of it is soap and water can kill it.”

Our member from Hong Kong, Rachel, 8 years old shared with us about Covid19 in first person point of view,

“What is Covid19? I am a disease first emerged in China in Dec 2019. I am a devil that I can infect many people and make people sick. The symptoms are coughing, having fever, muscle pain, headache, soar throat, lost of smell, diarrhea and lead to death. There is no vaccine or cure to kill me. The only things that you can do is to wash your hands and stay at home.”

Abby, 6 years old share with us about Covid 19,

“The coronavirus is tiny germs that you cannot see it. It is a big ball of germs with many spikes around it. If you touch them then scratch your head, you will get sick. No doctors or nurses can fix this now.”

6 years old Anthony shared with us about his opinions on Covid19,

“Covid19 is a virus from bat or other animals. You need to eat healthy, wash your hands and do social distancing. Rubbing alcohol can kill the virus. You may die if you get it but the chance is low. I am not scare because it is just like catching a flu.”

5 years old Cara said about Covid19,

“We just need to stay home. The coronavirus will not infect us. My mom protected me from it. The Earth is the master, we are not. We make the Earth sick.”

7 years old Darel talked about Covid 19,

“It is a virus and a ball of germs with many crowns on it. It is very dangerous that it can kill you. You need to wash your hands and stay inside.”

Damon, 8 years old, shared with us about his opinions on Covid19,
“I think it is a red ball of germs that can harm people and animals too. There were 6 tigers and 6 lions got the disease. People are anxious about it because there is no cure. We need to stay home and do social distancing.”

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