Sunday, March 1, 2020

Last workshop of "Kids Power Meet"

Our last workshop of ‘Kids Power Meet’ program was joyfully completed. Over the past two months, kids led us, all the parents, to have a fantastic and amazing journey. Kids learned to understand themselves and accept their weakness. Through experiencing different events and practicing their speeches in front of the camera, they started to find their own way to accomplish their reporter jobs. We had been recording their interview reports and individual reporting many times. We edited and trimmed the clips into a complete report for each group, so stay tune, we will send out a youtube link of each report very soon.
We had our final assessment on each kids last Friday. And we gave out their report cards.
1. Valentina & Janet, they hosted the interview at Sunshine Rotary Club
If it was not for the passion of the kids, no parents would wake up early at 6am to attend a meeting at Rotary Club.  
2. Ashley & Justin, they hosted the interview at RBC
If it was not for the curiosity of the kids about how the banks contribute in the community, parents would not rush back and forth to take the kids right to attend a workshop.
3. Alia & Ryder, they hosted the donation event and the interview at BC Children’s Hospital
If it was not for encouraging an act of kindness of the kids, parents would not go to the any hospital in current situation of a global health emergency.
4. Cara & Tiffany, they hosted the interviews with parents and kids at Children’s Arts Festival.
If it was not for motivating the kids in expressing their creativities, parents would not operate a both to support the kids at the Children’s Arts Festival.
We also invited some new friends to attend our open house that day. We hope all the kids learned a bit more about the relation between facts, truths and opinions.
We hope everyone will keep on exploring and reporting, most of all having fun anytime!

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