Sunday, February 2, 2020

Cheque Donation to BC Children's Hospital Foundation on Jan 31, 2020

On the 7th day of Chinese New Year, Chinese celebrates that day as the birthday of everyone, we called it 初七人日! The meaning is the blessing for everyone to celebrate a new life!
This meaningful and positive day, our Kids Power’s reporters delivered the good fortune to the kids who need extra positive energy and great joy.
The anchors of this donation event are:
Alia Kong, 8 Truth Revealer
Ryder Chow, 6 Gumball Man
They went to BC Children's hospital foundation to donate a cheque of $2850, including cash and the value of 100 copies of their book Kids Power Academy: Superheroes assembly.

They hope to continue to spread their dreams and use their superpower to save the world.

PS. As you may wonder why does Kids Power wear masks at the hospital?
At this very moment, WHO had declared a global health emergency due to coronavirus spread. Kids Power is just taking a precaution because some of our members may have just travelled back from the epidemic country or carry symptoms of a flu. Usually in a big open area, if there is frequent conversations involved, masks are necessary. Since our little reporters are doing their job serious, we are taking precaution and considering the safety of others, so they decided to wear a mask.
Well done!

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